Mama Drama No More

Overcome the after-effects of a difficult relationship with your mother

You Matter

‘You’re just no good!’ Are you still reeling and reacting to this message that was drilled into you in many different ways by your mother?

Is your self esteem low, meaning do you have a hard time believing in your strength, abilities and wisdom?

In your mother’s eyes, have you never been able to give enough, do enough, be enough, or ‘get it right’ no matter how hard you try?

Do you long for harmony and balance in your life but feel overwhelmed, anxious or depressed and are unsure how to attain peace and experience joy?

Can you see that you are innately wonderful and beautiful just as you are, or is your view of yourself clouded by harsh and unkind thoughts as you strive to create a fulfiling life for yourself?

Relationships Matter

Are ready to transform long-held anger, pain and grief so you’re not triggered into regrettable reactions with your children or others?

Do you wonder if more connection and communication with your mother is possible, especially if you are the only one desiring change?

Are you conflicted about truthfully exploring the negative aspects of your relationship with your mother because it feels like ‘mom bashing’? Hint: It’s not!

Is the fear of rejection holding you back from sharing your gifts and showing up in the world?

Would you like support in figuring out how to set boundaries with your mother and in other relationships, and decide whether having contact, limited contact or no contact is your healthiest option?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the above, you’ve landed in the right place. My name is Oshikan, and it’s my passion to help you heal the after-effects of a difficult mother relationship.

One of the misconceptions I often get in my work is that you need to change how your mother sees you and acts towards you, which can be hopelessly frustrating. This is not how to heal the mother wound.

What you CAN change is how you see yourself and how you think and feel about who you are.

And I would love to support you with this!

Let’s work together to:

  • Reflect on your relationship with your mother and the impact it has on you.

  • Release energy drains and negative messages you were taught to believe about yourself.

  • Re-mother YOU by embodying your inner Wisdom Goddesses.

  • Regain self confidence, self-trust and resilience by applying your signature strengths.

  • Reframe your wounding into insight and flow for your life and life work.


Discover which difficult emotions are keeping you stuck & learn about the corresponding wisdom you can use to transform your painful emotions and thrive.