‘‘I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become’’

CG Jung

How I can help you 

One-on-one Sessions

Online or in person in Berlin

In your mother's eyes, have you never been able to give enough, do enough, be enough, or get it ‘right’, no matter how hard you try?

Do you long for harmony and balance in your life but, (take your pick), positive emotions, deep engagement, better relationships, a sense of meaning and worthwhile accomplishment of what you can bring to the world is sorely lacking?

Do you wonder if more connection and communication with your mother is possible, especially if you are the only one desiring change?

Are you beginning to find yourself repeating negative family legacy patterns with your children?

I understand. And the good news is that working together I can help you to see that you are innately wonderful and beautiful just as you are, I can help you remove the negative messages that you have been taught to believe about yourself, establish a relationship with your mother that is appropriate for you today, create a fulfilling life for yourself and help you improve your parenting.

Group Gatherings

Online or In-Person (Berlin) Sessions in Peer Group Settings

There are various types of difficult mothers: Doormat. Critical. Smothering. Vengeful. Neglectful. Addicted.  And combinations, with sometimes supportive and loving behavior, which makes for more confusion.

And there are understandable daughter/son-reactions.

Learn to see clearly your relationship dynamics and to understand that you do not need to feel shame triggers - even though she is your mother and it's hard that you did not/do not get the love and support you long for.  It can be very difficult to sort through everything that lies between confusion and clarity! 

Are you ready to transform long held anger, pain and grief so you're not triggered into regrettable reactions in your other relationships?

Would you like to counter-act feeling overwhelmed, suffering with detrimental anger, believing you're not good enough, endlessly craving one thing or another, or comparing yourself to others?

If you are a parent, I can help you be sure that you are not repeating negative behaviors with your children.

In these group sessions we join a supportive circle of women who are also healing their Mother Wound.

As you learn a female-empowered insight meditation, resilience training and exercises from the science of wellbeing, you will learn how to transform your difficult emotions, find solutions to pressing problems and deeply know your inner wisdom to change your life going forwards.

Get on the waiting list for the next group by sending a quick email here. I'll be offering it again locally in Berlin and new, over Zoom.


No new Retreats are planned at this time


Schedule a FREE 30-Minute Discovery Session

During this conversation, we will:

  • Get to know each other.

  • Talk about your situation and reasons for reaching out.

  • See if we are a good fit for working together.

  • Answer any questions you have about my services.

Talk with me to continue your journey to more self-love, personal growth, better relationships, balance and harmony.